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CAPAFIR 2024寧波國際汽配展總展位圖
10 天前
備受關注的CAPAFAIR 2024寧波國際汽配展,將于9月26-28日在寧波再度舉行。 本屆展會全面啟用寧波國際會展中心1-8號館,實現(xiàn)滿館展出,總展覽面積達51650㎡。已錄得參展商1805家,分別來自21個省市自治區(qū)和香港特區(qū),展品覆蓋汽車部件及組件、汽車用品與改裝、汽車電子電氣、汽車維修及保養(yǎng)、汽車零部件加工技術及設備等。展覽面積和參展商數(shù)量均較上屆增長50%,各項數(shù)據(jù)繼續(xù)領先除法蘭克福上海展以外的國內(nèi)其它汽配類展會。
1 月前
1 月前
1 月前
1 月前
1 月前
2 月前
2 月前
Parts and components of the top 100 list out, 15 Chinese faces
On June 23, Automotive News released its 2024 list of the top 100 global auto parts support suppliers. This year's list has three more obvious changes. One is that there are two more Chinese companies on the list, namely Gotion High-tech and Sanhua Automotive, bringing the total number of Chinese companies on the list to 15. The second is that CATL has been promoted to the fourth place, just after Bosch, ZF and Magna, the three traditional international parts giants. Third, with the strong recovery of the major global automotive markets in 2023, most parts suppliers are seeing steady gains in performance.However, it is worth noting that the slowdown in demand for electric vehicles in Europe and the United States, to accelerate the transformation of the pressure on the supplier, and the continued "price war" also put pressure on the OEMs, and the pressure has been transferred to the supplier.Most suppliers realize positive growth    In terms of revenue, most of the component suppliers realized positive revenue growth in 2023 along with the recovery of major global automotive markets. The average revenue of the automotive business of the 100 suppliers on this year's list grew by about 9% year-on-year. Among them, Bosch Group remains the world's largest automotive parts supplier, with automotive segment revenue of nearly $56 billion in 2023, up from nearly $50.5 billion the previous year. This is mainly due to its top performance in both traditional fuel vehicles as well as electric vehicles.Fellow German parts supplier ZF came in second, with automotive segment revenue of nearly $50 billion in 2023, up from $42.1 billion the previous year. "2023 is a year of big decisions for ZF in several areas." ZF CEO Hauser Koh said. It was during this year that ZF decided to merge the Passenger Car Chassis Technologies and Active Safety Technologies business units, into a new integrated Chassis Solutions business unit, which was completed earlier this year. The spin-off of the Passive Safety Systems business unit has also been initiated, and may be sold in whole or in part, or an initial public offering, in the future. In addition, ZF has established a joint venture with Foxconn for passenger car chassis systems.As for Magna, the largest parts supplier in North America, revenue in 2023 was $42.8 billion, up 13% year-on-year, while net profit was $1.2 billion, soaring 105% year-on-year. Magna's operating results are said to be largely dependent on customers' passenger car and light truck production in North America, Europe and China, all of which have realized production growth in 2023.China's Ningde Times, which supplies batteries to many mainstream automakers, rose to fourth place thanks to the growth in global electric vehicle production and sales. According to South Korean research organization SNE, Ningde era power battery in 2023 in the global market share of 36.8%, the seventh consecutive year in the world's top.In contrast, Denso's revenue declined year-on-year, and it was the only company in the top 10 or even the top 15 to see a decline. Following them were BASF at No. 17, BorgWarner at No. 21, and Toyota Synthetic at No. 50. Overall, the decliners are in the minority, and most companies are still optimistic about their 2023 performance."Inward roll" pressure to suppliers    Of course, there are a series of hidden worries behind the revenue growth of parts suppliers in 2023. Europe and the United States electric vehicle market cooling, for those electrification transition "too much force" parts manufacturers is not friendly, BorgWarner is a typical example, failed to reach the 2023 electrification break-even commitment.Bosch boss Stefan Hartung believes that the next few decades will still need internal combustion engine vehicles, and to realize the global electrification of all vehicles, it will take at least 30 to 35 years. Add to this the fact that, as of today, most OEMs are still losing money on their electrification business and have chosen to cut parts and logistics costs in order to reduce the cost of electric vehicles, adding uncertainty to suppliers' electrification strategies.Especially into 2024, the price war is intensifying and the involution is intensifying, which directly impacts the parts suppliers. In April this year, the 30th anniversary of the celebration of China, Valeo China President Zhou Song pointed out that, with the great changes in China's auto industry, "price war" from the host plant to the upstream supply chain, auto parts suppliers are facing enormous cost pressure.In May this year, the reporter participated in a closed-door symposium on the industry, a foreign-funded parts giants in China executives spit out that the OEMs are playing a price war, but at the expense of innovation and product performance, and sometimes come across some extreme examples of OEMs customers directly requesting price cuts, "not 5% or 10%, or even not 20%, higher, and it is very simple! To drop, there is no room for any other bargaining, do not drop that will face the future of the new project can not get, very simple and brutal.Also in May of this year, Ford issued a memorandum to its electric vehicle parts suppliers, the initiative of the suppliers to put forward cost-cutting initiatives, to work together to reduce vehicle production costs, in order to support the company's electric vehicle business to achieve profitability. Currently, Ford's electric vehicle business continues to suffer huge losses.In addition to pressure to reduce costs, Stellantis Group CEO Tang Weishi not long ago proposed to give up some of the parts suppliers, their own production of auto parts, in order to reduce the high cost of electrification transition. For some suppliers, this is obviously bad news, meaning that orders will simply disappear.Hartung previously in an interview with foreign media, the future expressed pessimistic judgment: "the next one to two years, the company will be difficult to achieve the expected sales and profit targets. 2024 will be more difficult than expected, 2025 may also be the same." And now it seems that it may be prophetic.Declaration: This article comes from the Automotive News Canada and Automotive News.If copyright issues are involved, please contact us to delete.
2 月前
??去年夏天,一部《長安三萬里》讓西安這個歷史名城再度火出圈,它不僅喚醒了中國人的詩詞血脈,更勾起了華夏人對“盛世長安”的無限向往。恰逢綠意盎然的六月,寧波汽配展主辦方東方港灣展覽組織部分員工進行了一次五天四夜的西安之旅,讓大家在繁忙的工作中暫時抽離,去感受歷史名城的魅力和紅色文化的熏陶。本次旅游活動于2024年6月19日中午啟程,團隊選擇了西安古城墻、大唐不夜城、黃河壺口瀑布、南泥灣、延安革命紀念館、棗園革命舊址、兵馬俑、華清宮、西安博物院、回民街、鐘鼓樓廣場等風光秀麗、文化底蘊深厚的名勝古跡作為本次旅游的行程。目前,員工們已順利返程,帶回了沿途的異鄉(xiāng)美景,也為同事們帶回了當?shù)靥厣朗?,讓我們一睹為快吧!西安古城?位于陜西省西安市中心區(qū)域的西安古城墻是中國現(xiàn)存規(guī)模最大、保存最完整的古代城垣,始建于明太祖洪武三年(1370年),于洪武十一年(1378年)竣工。西安古城墻以它獨特的魅力吸引著慕名而來的中外游客,它不僅是西安的歷史文化象征,也是中國古代城市建設的瑰寶。如今,西安古城墻已經(jīng)成為西安的標志性景點之一,游客可以騎自行車或步行在城墻上,欣賞西安的城市風光,感受古代城墻的雄偉與壯觀。 黃河壺口瀑布黃河壺口瀑布是中國第二大瀑布,也是世界上最大的黃色瀑布。黃河奔流至此,兩岸石壁峭立,河口收束狹如壺口,因此得名。壺口瀑布被譽為“天下奇觀、中華之魂”,不僅是自然景觀的瑰寶,還蘊含著豐富的文化內(nèi)涵。 ?南泥灣南泥灣不僅是中國革命的重要歷史見證地,也是一處集自然風光、紅色文化和現(xiàn)代休閑于一體的旅游勝地。南泥灣精神是延安精神的重要組成部分,其核心是自力更生、奮發(fā)圖強。這種精神激勵了一代又一代的中華兒女戰(zhàn)勝困難,奪取勝利。 延安革命紀念館延安革命紀念館是延安市唯一一個國家一級博物館,館內(nèi)展出大量珍貴的革命文物,作為新中國成立后最早建成的革命紀念館之一,其豐富的館藏和獨特的歷史地位,使得它成為了一個重要的革命歷史教育和文化交流場所。棗園革命舊址被譽為“延安的中南?!钡臈棃@革命舊址是一個園林式的革命紀念地,中央書記處在此居住期間,繼續(xù)領導全黨開展了整風運動和解放區(qū)軍民開展的大生產(chǎn)運動,籌備了中國共產(chǎn)黨“七大”,領導全國軍民取得了抗日戰(zhàn)爭的最后勝利,并領導全國人民粉碎國民黨反動派的全面內(nèi)戰(zhàn)作了充分準備。棗園現(xiàn)已成為全國革命傳統(tǒng)教育的重要基地之一,也是全國紅色旅游重點景區(qū)之一。 大唐不夜城大唐不夜城位于大雁塔腳下,是一個以盛唐文化為背景,以唐風元素為主線的大型仿唐建筑群步行街,是西安地標性景區(qū),重現(xiàn)了大唐時期的繁榮和輝煌。 兵馬俑秦兵馬俑作為中國古代輝煌文明的重要象征,被譽為“世界第八大奇跡”,并被列為世界十大古墓稀世珍寶之一。它們栩栩如生的各異形態(tài),向世人展示了古代工匠的精湛技藝和豐富的想象力。它們不僅是中國古代文化的瑰寶,也是全人類共同的財富,為我們了解古代文明提供了珍貴的實物資料,具有重要的歷史、文化和科研價值。 華清宮 華清宮背山面渭,倚驪峰山勢而筑,規(guī)模宏大,建筑壯麗,樓臺館殿遍布驪山上下。被稱為中國四大皇家園林之一的華清宮,不僅承載著千年歷史,更是藏著數(shù)不清的歷史故事。女媧在驪山煉石補天,使萬靈得已安居。周幽王為博褒姒一笑,在此烽火戲諸侯。“在天愿作比翼鳥,在地愿結連理枝”,唐玄宗與楊玉環(huán)的愛情故事也始于此。 西安博物院西安博物院由博物館、唐薦福寺遺址、小雁塔三部分組成。小雁塔作為西安的重要古跡,是唐代佛教建筑藝術遺產(chǎn),佛教傳入中原地區(qū)并融入漢族文化的標志性建筑,與薦福寺鐘樓內(nèi)的古鐘合稱為“關中八景”之一的“雁塔晨鐘”。不僅具有深厚的歷史文化底蘊,還是佛教藝術和建筑藝術的瑰寶。 西安美食西安作為中國的歷史文化名城,不僅有著豐富的歷史遺跡,還以其獨特的美食文化吸引著無數(shù)游客。羊肉泡饃、肉夾饃、涼皮、油潑面、臊子面、肉丸胡辣湯、賈三灌湯包等特色美食,每一樣都有其獨特的風味和特色。 走過“孤高聳天宮”的大雁塔,看過“秦王掃六合,虎視何雄哉”的秦兵馬俑,游過“七月七日長生殿,夜半無人私語時”的華清宮,領略過“黃河之水天上來”的自然景觀和“紅色圣地放光芒”的經(jīng)典回憶,此次西安之旅圓滿落下帷幕。寧波汽配展小分隊相會于此,一同感悟盛唐文化,追尋紅色足跡,收獲了一場沉浸式的詩意之旅。在旅途中為精神充電后,相信大家會以更飽滿的熱情投入到接下來的工作中。讓我們共同期待下一批次更多的同事奔赴遠方更美的風景!????
2 月前
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